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☆Master Stylist 3 2012 Ania Lennie☆

Congrats to our Amazing Master Finalist..Crown Winner: Ms Ania Lennie winner of 20,000L 1st Runner up: Ms Janet Brink winner of 10,00L 2nd Runner Up Ms Violetagrace Resident winner of 5,000
The evening was not easy, I was nervous I tried to focus and poufff just five minutes of the start, the Internet fails. I did not know what to do or think. At 3: 00 SLT while back, I come in a race, tremulous, but smiling.
The evening was wonderful, Janet and Violetta were great, but I try not to look at what they do, I try to stay focused. Gypsy is the first theme, it is my turn all is going well and I feel happy. Here  comes the 2nd theme, the talent, again I am trembling as a leaf. The Theme of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I do not know how I have managed to do everything but impossible to calm myself down. Once my talent , nervosity falls down, I feel good.
 I am passing the third Theme :  Hippies. Everything went superbly well. I see the encouragements  and it makes me  smile. All is done now!  We are waiting  all of the three in front of the stage. Who will win this beautiful crown? 2nd runner up is Violetta. My heart beats fast, I have a chance to win ... Anrol tells us to watch the fireworks behind us to see the name of the winner .. It is long, my hands are sweaty. I see an A. .. I scream WAHOOOOOOOOO I won !!!!!... My heart beats fast .. I'm sooooo happy. This is the most beautiful evening of my life. I have been working constantly for two weeks to be perfect .. everything was checked, jewelry, hair, footwear, skin color , formation, poses and the Talent.. I enjoyed so much this experience it's just wonderful.
 I want to thank Steve and Anrol whom permit me to live this experience, but especially Lisana, she helped me, supported me morally, she never let me down. Thank you again, you're super Lisana I adore you.

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